here i am...
well, i've been telling myself that i was going to start a blog for so long now that i finally realized that i am starting to feel incredibly lazy for just not doing so. it really wasn't all that difficult for me to sit down and get the thing set up, but there were other aspects that posed to be complicated. i notice that a lot of people blog about one thing in particular that they seem to have an intense affinity towards. there are also those who incessantly ramble about their own personal lives, keeping a record of their daily events no matter how monotonous they may seem to the outside world. i have respect for most of these various types of "bloggers" purely based on the fact that, well, dammit they are doing it, and i want to be doing it too. i am so inspired, and often touched by many of the creative and personal blogs that i follow regularly. however, this is where i ran into a wall. what the hell am i gonna blog about? the thought of exposing myself to strangers who i really am, and what i like and dislike is actually a bit intimidating for some reason. my interests and activities vary such that i did not want to limit myself to just one subject i love such as art, or fashion, or crafting, or metal smithing, or design, or food. nor did i want it to be just a personal chronicle of my typically boring life. i want to share things that fascinate me, that make me think, that i find unique or beautiful, that make me laugh, and occasionally i suppose i will also talk about my life. it all started with a craving for an outlet, and this is how the grey gospel has emerged.
yes, that's me on the left sitting on my beloved old motorcycle that i miss terribly. no, it is not my real hair, but it was the first day that ridiculous blond wig made it's debut in a long string of memorable photographs...more to come.