Wednesday, November 17, 2010

2 eggs over medium and a cup of peppermint tea

you know those little posting collages you can make at the end of the year on facebook?  well, in case you don't i will tell you that they are basically a sampling of random posts you have made throughout the year in collage style.  last year mine involved many posts referencing food.  i guess even though i am not the chef in the family my own little personal bubble in life still prominently revolves around food.  i used to cook for myself a lot more when i was single and living back in my sweet apartment in seattle, and now "food" in my life mainly consists of something that can be prepared in less than 5 minutes or served directly to me on a plate at a restaurant.  when and where did i suddenly lose the motivation to cook?  i used to care so much more about what i put inside my body.  i used to be very aware of the way in which certain foods affected me, but now i just disregard the screaming loud signals my body sends to me every day via congested skin and irritability and other various non-specific symptoms.  i really need to listen to my internal vibration more, but i have lost the way and need to find my way back to a healthy body and soul.

i am the same way with exercise.  i have gone through stints of taking incredibly good care of myself physically and being in really great shape, and then one day i sit down in front of the computer and never seem to get up.  i recently sacrificed my gym membership to have just one less bill in our lives.  i now realize that it was the worst decision i could have made because as i get out of the shower naked and look at my 34-year-old body in the mirror i know that it will never be 25 again, but i have the choice to at least take care of what i got...right??  what it all comes down to is the fact that i feel so much better when i am in good shape.  this means eating well AND exercising.  being mindful of my body and respecting the fact that it needs my help to stay fit and happy.  today will be the first day that i make a commitment to try to cook at least 2 to 3 healthy dinners for myself each week.  well, starting tomorrow of course since it should be clear what i had for dinner tonight ;)  it doesn't sound like much, but it's a start.

well, my husband and i celebrated our 2nd anniversary this month.  2 years, phew!  a lot has happened to say the least.  i know that i have mentioned before that it has been sort of a rough road, but i know that it is possible for us to recover some semblance of joy in our lives again.  life happens, and before you know it you are having 2 fried eggs and a cup of tea for dinner and your husband is at work late (again) and you think to yourself "is this really happening, this life of mine?".  and well, yes, it is.  all you can do is wake up every day and make the best of what you have made for yourself and pray that you choose the best path on each and every daily adventure you stumble upon.  i have seen into the future and i swear it looks bright, but i hope that it is not just an illusion.  there are things i want to say, but am afraid to jinx them so i will hold my tongue and wait.

for our anniversary A and i went to prescott and we stayed at the cutest little hotel downtown on whiskey row by the name of hotel st. michael.  there was a great little cafe in the hotel, and we enjoyed a couple yummy meals there, which says a lot when A is pleased because being a chef he is sooooooo discriminating.  our decision to go to prescott was fueled by my deep desire to at least get a tiny taste of fall weather.  the leaves were falling and the air was crisp.  exactly what i was hoping for!  it was a super quick trip, but well worth the drive.  we actually really enjoyed each others company and spent some true quality time together.  i want to also give a big thank you to the lovely danielle over at for giving me suggestions on where to stay and eat!  she was a such a gracious help to me ;)

ahhh, back to my tea now.  i will reflect on my own pondering and make a conscious effort to try and be better to myself.

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