Thursday, November 18, 2010

morning misery

yup, it's another hellish morning with A.  how hard is it to just be nice to your partner (and the world for that matter) right when you wake up in the morning??  the funny thing is that he has no idea how crummy it starts my day off when i cheerily say "good morning!" and he proceeds to slam the bathroom door in my face.  i don't deserve this.


  1. This post makes me sad L. Are things better? Come back to Seattle and lets be shopping girlfriends. xo -V

  2. i feel that i get closer to doing that every day. no, things never get better. there are only various levels of bad. i would say that we have about 1-2 good days a month. his career is what is important to him at this stage in the game, and i either have to get used to be second in line or leave. it is very hard to leave when you are in the extremely serious financial predicament that we are in.

    thanks for the words, love...

